
For the Symposium

Registration Fee: 3,000 JPY

For registration and submission of your abstract for oral or poster presentation
Please visit the regsitration site.  The deadline for the registration and submission of your abstract is 26th of March. (We welcome more poster presentations and participants. The deadline is extended to 10th of Apr (AM10:00).
Please prepare your abstract within one page in A4 format. A template for abstract is downloaded from here

For the young researchers, there is a chance for applying to the travel award which will be limited to several selected persons. For applying to the award, you may be required to prepare some additional documents including CV after the primary selection.

For the Banquet

Banquet: 13,000 JPY including partial contribution to a memorial gift for Prof. Shichida
                 8,000 JPY for an accompanying person

For more information about the registration for the banquet
Please visit the following site.